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Projects Update

Save The Future School

Project Updates

Dear supporters, following the visit to our Save The Future School,  while observing the students in class on their academic progress, I came away feeling very proud of them all. Not only had I noticed that their reading skills had improved, but parallel to this, many students demonstrated a good talent for three particular subjects, English, Maths, and Science.


This term, the students learned and understood the composition Of Water, The Structure of Living Things, the differences between Animal and Plant Cells, The Different Systems of the Human Body, and the composition of Matter…eg…Molecules, Atoms, Electrons, Protons and Neutrons.

Fraction Algebra

Students continue to strive and work hard in this subject covering a variety of mathematical tasks including Fractions and Algebra.

English Grammer

In Grammar students are learning and understanding the Vowels and Consonants. Students are taught how to put words in Alphabetical Order and Word Association.

Skype Session​

We also try to observe the progress of the classes by Skype twice a week.