Community school

Save The Future Community School

Village Mohammad Sharif Sahto Taluka Shahdadpur District Sanghar, Pakistan.

Save The Innocents Inc. (STI) has opened this school in a Government school building that was vacant since 1995, due to a lack of teachers. STI has provided teachers, books, school supplies, and furniture free of cost to the students. 70 students, 47 boys, and 23 girls were enrolled in the first year. In three years we have about 100 students and three grades in the school. These children are excited to receive the education they only dreamed of before. They were able to enroll in the school due to the economical stability provided by STI’s alternative income program so parents did not have to rely on them for food and basic needs. The school has made an impact not only in academics but also in areas like health and hygiene. They are now brushing their teeth and washing their hands before meals, as an example.

Projects update

Empowering Education at Our School

A parents’ committee has been formed to monitor the school teachers and the attendance of students. This committee is also motivating other parents to send their children to school. Students’ absence is monitored and followed. The committee gives parents responsibility about the education of their little stars. There is no corporal punishment for students in the school. In meeting with the parents, they have shared their views and comments:

“My child always puts pressure on me to keep kerosene oil in the house, so he could study at night.”

“Our children use English words in the house.”

Play, Sports, and Environmental Education at Our School

Children play local games in the school in which teachers also support them. Sports activities are essential for the children health. School children and their parents are also educated by Shadab Rural Development Organization, about the importance of trees in school as well as in their houses. This would supply fruit for families, who could not afford them otherwise. In school the students have planted fruit trees for fresh fruit. The students receive instruction in morality, good behavior and respect of their elders. The students are excited and looking forward to a prosperous future and professional careers. They could even help their parents to keep record of the expenses of agricultural inputs which are used by land lord.